Authors Title
Nykamp Moritz, Becker Fabian, Schütt Brigitta 1030 - Paleoenvironmental research in the hinterland of Göbekli Tepe, SE Türkiye
Yinan Liao, Peng Lu, Duowen Mo, Qian Wu, Xiangli Zhao, Panpan Chen, Hui Wang 1399 - Landscape evolution and ancient settlement patterns of small river basin: A case from the Huangshui River and the prehistoric Wangjinglou City in Central China
Xavier Rouard 1414 - Did Indo-European Languages Stem from A Trans-Eurasian Original Language? An Interdisciplinary Approach
Yasemin Yılmaz, Mehmet Ali Polat, Mehmet Ozan Özbudak, Bogdana Milić, Sidar Gündüzalp, Kenan Öncel, Özgür Şahin 1561 - Neolithic beyond the Upper Euphrates: Survey Results from Tunceli/Türkiye
Yu Gao, Guanghui Dong, Xiaoyan Yang, Fahu Chen 1570 - A review on the spread of prehistoric agriculture from southern China to mainland Southeast Asia
Kezban Tok 1690 - Spatial Analysis in Sayburç
Doğa Yeşilbaş 1816 - What Was the Function of Conical Objects “Tokens”: The Case from Ekşi Höyük
Evrim Tekeli, Yasemin Öner, Zehra Özbulut, Ergül Kodaş, Magdalena Serrano, Jorge Hugo Calvo Lacost 1997 - Domestication of the Pig in the PPNB Period in Southeastern Anatolia in the Light of Ancient DNA: The Case of Boncuklu Tarla
Gülçin Günyol 2010 - Observations on the Distribution of Ground Stone Tools in Karahantepe Domestic Areas
Tristan Carter, Michelle Rudner, Rose Moir, Klaus Schmidt 2069 - EDXRF Sourcing of Obsidian Artefacts from Neolithic Gürcütepe, Türkiye
Chiara Belli, Elisabetta Boaretto, Reuven Yeshurun, Alla Yaroshevic, Valentina Caracuta 2124 - Plant exploitation by the first sedentary communities of the Southern Levant in the Mount Carmel region (Israel) in the context of Late Pleistocene climate changes
Mariam Eloshvili 2672 - Courtyard as a part of the sedentism within the Neolithic society of Khramis Didi Gora (Georgia)
Toshihiro Tada, Ryota Moriwaki, Wataru Satake, Kenta Suzuki, Nurcan Küçükarslan, Kazuya Shimogama, Celal Uludağ, Yoshihiro Nishiaki 2749 - The Layout and Size of the Neolithic Settlement at Harbetsuvan Tepesi revealed by Geophysical Prospections
Spyridon Stylios 3101 - Pottery in Context. The Settlement of Varabas, East Attica
Nadezhda Batueva, Dmitriy Shmuratko 3134 - Neolithic ceramics of the Middle Kama Region: multiple match analysis
Mathilde van den Berg 3213 - How reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) domestication started with castration: Traditional Knowledge and domestication theory
Sinan Yiğit 3246 - Spatial Analysis of Aktopraklık Höyük in Early Chalcolithic Age
Özlem Yurtseven Uyar, Hüseyin Turoğlu 3379 - The Role of Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Understanding the Neolithic Period: The Case of Aşaği Pınar (Nw Anatolia)
Daria Kiseleva, Danil Danilov, Arina Khorkova 3425 - Organic Residue Analysis of Archaeological Artifacts and Objects of Cultural Heritage by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Aleksandr Yudin 3525 - Neolithic art of the population of the Orlovka culture (Lower Volga region)
Maria Komagorova, Ekaterina Borisevich 3619 - Settlement of the Ilmen region by early humans: archeological knowledge, paleogeographic conditions
Hande Başcı 3869 - The Architecture of the Sefertepe from a Regional and Cultural Perspective
Mehmet Özerenler, Sorin Hermon 3937 - Technology, 3D documentation and function of lithic tools in the Epi-Paleolithic and PPNA - New insights from Akrotiri-Aetokremnos and Ayia Varvara-Asprekremnos in Cyprus
Mohammad Bahrami 4033 - Neolithic Socials in Luristan Province, Central Zagros, Iran
Luísa Teixeira 4156 - The Use of Interdisciplinarity in the researchfield of Megalithism as a New Approach led to the Discovery of the Menhir Sanctuary of São Brás de Alportel (Algarve, Portugal)
Bing Wun Liou 4205 - North meets South: The difference of Epi-Jomon pottery making techniques in Rebun island
Tomoya Aono 4262 - An Actual Example of Social Change in the Northern Japanese Archipelago in the Final Phase of the Jomon Period
Selvi Tektas 4302 - Real research into Neolithic artifacts at Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe, and my findings as an artist
Alexander Kulkov, Andrew Mazurkevich, Ekaterina Dolbunova 4643 - Investigation of coprolites from settlements of 6-3 thousand BC by X-ray tomography
Shuichi Noshiro, Yuka Sasaki, Masanobu Yoshikawa, Yuichiro Kudo, Sudarshan Bhandari 4684 - Survival through the 4.2 ka event by Jomon hunter-gatherers with adapted management and use of plant resources detected at the Denotame site in central Japan
Hannah Moots 5009 - Revisiting Genetic Insights into the Neolithic Transition in Peninsular Italy: Lessons from New Methods and a Growing Dataset of Ancient Genomes Across the Mediterranean
Angelo Vintaloro 5018 - Unpublished research in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Central Africa
Yu Itahashi, Minoru Yoneda, Akira Tsuneki 5040 - Review of the PPN-PN Transition at the North Mesopotamia Based on Sequential Radiocarbon Dating of Sediments
Iia Shuteleva, Nikolai Shcherbakov 5129 - Modern approaches to Neolithic Cult Sites in the Southern Trans-Urals
Radu Vacalie, Raluca Kogalniceanu 5261 - Small Finds from A Neolithic Feature: Possible Interpretations
Victor Karmanov, Evgeniy Popov, Nataliya Zaretskaya, Dmitriy Baranov, Andrei Panin 5300 - The Neolithic Landscape of Northeastern Europe as an Indicator of the Increasing Complexity of the Hunter-gatherer Economy
Yuhui Wang 5743 - The periodization,origins and cultural interactions of the Tanshishan culture in the Minjiang River basin
Natalia Skakun, Takhmina Bostanova, Vera Terkhina, Dmitrii Shulga 5953 - Tools for processing vegetation of hunters and fishermen of the Gissar culture (experimental and use-wear analysis)
Sajad SAMII, Shahram Ramin 6003 - Shahran Site, Revealing Sociocultural Developments in the Late Neolithic of the South Caspian Sea Region
Sena Öztürk 6011 - A Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site in Upper Tigris: Bone Assemblages of Gusir Höyük
Musa Mursaquliyev, Saadat Aliyeva 6175 - The results of Neolithic period research conducted in the Western region of Azerbaijan
Lucile Crété, Simon Parfitt, Silvia Bello 6258 - Non-masticatory striations on human teeth from the British Neolithic: evidence of post-mortem treatment of the dead?
Maria Teresa Vizzari, Linda Pratesi, Margherita Vanni, Irene Dori, Francesco Savarino, Domenico Lo Vetro, Marco Baioni, Jacopo Moggi Cecchi, Leonardo Lamanna, Alessandra Sperduti, David Caramelli, Stefania Vai, Silvia Ghirotto 6558 - The origin of social inequalities in Northern Italy: clues from ancient genomes
Tatyana Vasilyeva 6832 - The Early Copper Age in the Forest Zone of Eastern Europe Based on the Study of Archeological Sites in the Republic of Karelia
İsmail Bilgin 6857 - Architectural Development Processes of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Period in Upper Mesopotamia
Vasile Diaconu, Geanina – Adriana Butiseacă 6866 - Salt exploitation and spatial dynamics of Neolithic comunities during the Early Neolithic of Eastern Romania
António Faustino Carvalho 6950 - Megalithic and Non-Megalithic Tombs of Beira Alta (Central-Northern Portugal): An Overview on Research History, Past Cultural Changes and Ongoing Protection Policies
Anna Bach, Walter Cruells, Abdulwahab Sulaiman, Miquel Molist 7041 - Banahilk (Iraqi Kurdistan): A Border Site or a Crossing Point at the End of the Halaf Period?
José Antonio Linares-Catela 7284 - Megalithic monumentality in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula: genesis and architectural, landscape and social transformations in the El Pozuelo complex (Andalusia, Spain)
Raluca Kogalniceanu, Radu Vacalie 7341 - Holes In Pots. Perforated Ceramic Fragments from The Hamangia Neolithic Cemetery at Cernavoda, Romania
Leonor Rocha 7565 - Build to impress or to use? The case of Alentejo megalithism (Portugal)
Gleb Danilov 7615 - To Preserve What Have Been Hunted Hide It! Ancient Stone Caches of the Far Northeast of Eurasia
Aliaksandr Vashanau, Maryia Tkachova 7927 - Klishyna 3 “Lower Terras” – a new site of Narva culture in Northern Belarus
Carlos Tornero, Celia Díez-Canseco, Chiara Messana, Maria Rovira, Rosa Soler 8374 - ERC READ project – Revealing earliest animal domestication in the Fertile Crescent: presentation, aim and research objectives
Nana Kunelauri, Mari Gogniashvili, Tengiz Beridze 8380 - Human (H. sapiens L.) Settlement in the Caucasus
Fadhiah Abu Ghrieganah 8647 - Preliminary insight on Pre-Pottery Neolithic site (Jebel Arqa) in Hisma Basin, Southern Jordan: View from revisit surface survey
Yuka Sasaki, Shuichi Noshiro, Kazutaka Kobayashi, Mitsuo Suzuki 8719 - Correspondence between the components of the weaving technique and use of baskets during the Jomon period in Japan
Geanina – Adriana Butiseacă, Vasile Diaconu 9483 - New insights in the Neolithic-Chalcolitic of Eastern Romania – a biomarker based paleoclimate reconstruction of Răucești site
Dmitry Enshin 9705 - Neolithization of in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Western Siberia
Celia Díez-Canseco, Maria Rovira, Héctor Del Valle, Eudald Carbonell, Michael Buckley, Carlos Tornero 9904 - Evidence of early domestic sheep in the Pyrenees: using ZooMS analyses to track first neolithic occupations in mountain areas of the Western Mediterranean
Monika Jovanović, Carla Lancelotti, Xavier Roda Gilabert, Marco Madella, Juan José García-Granero, Donatella Usai 9939 - The path to Neolithization at al-Khiday site, Central Sudan
Maryia Tkachova 9965 - The beginning of the Neolithic in southeastern Belarus: current state and problems of study